
Education Services


Please be aware that your student is obtaining educational instruction from a certified teacher. All state and federal standards as well as applicable Home School standards will be adhered to and parents/guardians will be able to obtain a copy of those standards upon enrollment. Enrollment is open. Please e-mail Mrs. Glenn at or for more information.

  • Home School Assist Services
  • School Assist Services
  • Biblical Studies

Home School Assist Services: These are services for those students who are already being home schooled or who are getting ready to be home schooled. Also called cooperative services, assist services will consist of any educational component the parent/guardian feels their student(s) need. From reading and math to physical education, there are a wide variety of possibilities. Mrs. Glenn offers a structured Physical Education program for your child, if you are in need of a day out or a few hours out on a particular day. Please contact Mrs. Glenn to discuss your options. Mrs. Glenn will be happy to have a consultation with you at your convenience. Cost: Please contact Mrs. Glenn to design a program to fit your needs.

School Assist Services: These are  services that are offered to students who attend public school and just aren't "getting it." This is not "tutoring" rather it is teaching fand learning from a different perspective--one that your student can learn from. End the frustration, and have your student learning and not just getting by. We will work on skills and not just getting through an assignment. From math and reading to science, language arts, and social studies, Mrs. Glenn is certified in all these areas, and is ready to help! Assist services begin at 4 p.m. and end at 6 p.m. You decide how long they need, 1 hour or 2. This service is offered Mondays, Tuesdays, and Thursdays. Elementary age through High School are invited to apply! Cost: Please contact Mrs. Glenn to design a program to fit your needs.

Biblical Studies: Open to any student, any age, these classes will be geared toward helping your child gain a deeper understanding of the Bible and God's love for them. I don't have to tell you how our world is changing. Arm your child in a structured way with these classes that will help your child develop a lasting relationship with Jesus Christ our Lord!! Classes now forming. Fee is by donation only.  The curriculum is NOT from a workbook; it is all original and comes directly from the teacher, Denise Glenn. We will look at practical applications and help our children to really understand God. Topics will include:

  1. Who is God, anyway?
  2. The study of Genesis
  3. Where do I go when I need help?
  4. The book of Psalms: The Songbook of Israel. We will look at childrens' wonderings about what God want them to think about when they worship the KING...
  5. The book of Proverbs: Wise teachings for God's people. We will study and discuss the wonderings children have about the best rules to remember when they want to do what is right...SO Valuable!